Make a Lisp in Python


#build-log #language-design #python #lisp 

I’ve been spending a lot of time learning how programming languages are created. At the moment, I am half-way through reading Writing a Compiler in Go (which, along with the first book in the series, is fantastic). I have lofty aspirations for making my own VM and self-compiled language, but I have a lot more to learn first.

The books covers building a fairly robust interpreter (and later compiler) for a C-like language. I’ve already written several thousand lines of code and probably have another thousand or two to go. It’s been rewarding, but also a lot to think about. I wanted to take a little brain break and build a dirt-simple lisp-like language.

It turned out to be pretty easy to build (and it was a lot of fun). I thought it would be a fun tutorial for folks, so join me as we make our very own programming language!

Lisp crash course

Lisp is short for “list processing”. If you’re use to C-like languages (e.g. JavaScript or Rust), the thing that probably stands out is that it has a lot of parenthesis. Everything in lisp is a list (elements surrounded by parenthesis). This makes it much easier to create because we simply need to parse and evaluate a bunch of nested lists.

Consider the following bit of JavaScript:

const ten = 4 + 6;

The equivalent would be something like this in a lisp-like language:

(def ten (+ 4 6))

Lisp uses prefix notation so the operator (e.g. +) appears before the operands (e.g. 4 and 6). Everything in lisp follows this structure (a property called homoiconicity), which makes the code very easy to reason about. Every expression follows the pattern:

(<function-name> <argument(s)>)

By the end of this post, you will have built yourself a language that looks like this:

(def factorial
 (fn (x)
  (if (= x 0)
   (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))

Running (factorial 5) will provide the factorial of 5 (120). Sound good? Great, let’s get started!

Chicken and egg

So what is a programming language? It’s really just a bunch of text that a program (in our case, an “interpreter”) reads and then evaluates. So what is that program written in? At least initially, it needs to be written in a different language (a process called bootstrapping).

Consider how node works - when you run this command:

$ node myScript.js

Your computer will run the node program which interprets the contents of myScript.js. The node program isn’t written in JavaScript, it’s actually largely written in C++. The same is true for other popular interpreted language like Python and Ruby.

We’re going to be building our language interpreter in Python. I chose Python because it’s simple and translates well to other languages (and I’m tired of writing JavaScript all the time). I’ll try to explain any Python-specific features as they arise.

To get started, let’s prepare our project:

$ mkdir my-neat-lang
$ cd my-neat-lang
$ touch

Step 1: Lexing

The first step in building an interpreter is lexical analysis (or “lexing” for short). Don’t let the name intimidate you, it’s simply a matter of taking a string and breaking it into smaller strings called tokens. These tokens are used by the parser in the next step.

What constitutes a token? In the case of our simple lisp, we only need to care about three types of tokens: (, ), and words. All tokens are strings that represent one of those three things. Sadly, regex is probably the best tool for this use case. I promise, this is the scariest part of the whole post.

import re

def lex(s):
    return re.findall(r"[()]|[^() \n]+", s)

I’m no regexpert, but here’s a basic rundown:

Let’s test it out by running this in a main function and printing the results:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tokens = lex("(+ 1 2)")

You can run this script with:

$ python

If everything worked correctly, you should get the following printed to the terminal. This is our list of tokens!

['(', '+', '1', '2', ')']

Step 2: Parsing

Now that we have tokens, we need to perform syntax analysis, more commonly known as “parsing”. The end result will be nested nodes that form an ”abstract syntax tree“.

There are a lot of libraries out there that can help you generate “grammar” which define how tokens should be translated into meaning, but we’re going to keep things simple and parse everything by hand. Because we’re coding a lisp and everything is in a uniform shape, we don’t really need a lot of grammar rules.

Our goal is to have a nested structure that looks like this: ['def', 'three', ['+', 1, 2]] for the expression (def three (+ 1 2)).

Here’s the first pass at the parsing function:

def parse(tokens):
    token = tokens.pop(0)
    if token == "(":
        result = []
        while len(tokens):
            if tokens[0] == ")":
                return result
        return token

Okay, that was a lot. Let’s add some code to our main function and see how it does:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tokens = lex("(+ 1 2)")
    tree = parse(tokens)

Which returns the following results:

['(', '+', '1', '2', ')']
['+', '1', '2']

That certainly looks right, but there’s one more thing we need. See the “numbers”? They’re actually still strings. That’s going to make arithmetic really difficult. Let’s add one more case to our parse function to handle numbers:

def parse(tokens):
    token = tokens.pop(0)
    if token == "(":
        result = []
        while len(tokens):
            if tokens[0] == ")":
                return result
    # NEW
    elif type(token) is str and token.isdigit():
        return int(token)
        return token

We confirm that the token is a string and then use a Python function to see if the string can be cast to an integer with token.isdigit(). If you’re following along in JavaScript, this could be achieved with !isNaN(token). This won’t work for floats or other number types, but adding additional logic for that is fairly trivial so I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Our output looks much better now:

['(', '+', '1', '2', ')']
['+', 1, 2]

Step 3: Evaluation

The last step is to turn our tree of nodes (nested lists) into values by evaluating each expression one at a time. This is very much “the rest of the owl”, but we can start small by continuing with our test input: (+ 1 2). Let’s get us a 3!

Here’s the first pass at an eval function:

def eval(node):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "+":
                return eval(args[0]) + eval(args[1])
            case _:
                raise ValueError(f"unsupported fn: {fn}")
    elif type(node) is int:
        return node
        raise ValueError(f"unsupported node: {node}")

Moment of truth, let’s add a few more lines to our main function:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tokens = lex("(+ 1 2)")
    tree = parse(tokens)
    result = eval(tree)
['(', '+', '1', '2', ')']
['+', 1, 2]

We got a 3!

Utility break

Now that the major pieces are in place, we can start adding new features to our language. To make our lives a little easier, we should write a few helper functions to help us test.

The first takes a string input and pipes it through all our interpreter methods:

def run(s):
    tokens = lex(s)
    tree = parse(tokens)
    return eval(tree)

The other function we’re going to write takes an input string (s) and checks that the result of run(s) is equal to a provided expected value. It prints some helpful messages that will help us quickly test out new features:

def test(s, expected):
    actual = run(s)
    if actual == expected:
        print(f"[PASS] {s}")
        print(f"[FAIL] {s} -> expected={expected}, got={actual}")

We can make use of these utilities in our main function:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test("(+ 1 2)", 3)
    test("(+ 4 6)", 10)
    test("(+ 4 6)", 11) # this should fail
[PASS] (+ 1 2)
[PASS] (+ 4 6)
[FAIL] (+ 4 6) -> expected=11, got=10

Feature: def

In this language, everything is created using the def keyword: variables, functions, macros, etc. The structure is (def key <value>) where <value> could be anything that the language supports.

Where do we store these values? We’re going to introduce the concept of an “environment” which is just a key / value store:

global_env = dict()

Nothing fancy. Just a plain ol’ dictionary (a JavaScript object or Map would suffice). Let’s update our eval function to accept an environment parameter (defaulting to the “global” environment we just made):

def eval(node, env=global_env): # updated
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "+":
                return eval(args[0], env) + eval(args[1], env) # updated
            # [...]

Finally, we can add a new case statement that handles def:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            # [...]
            case "def":
                [key, value] = args
                value = eval(value, env)
                env[key] = value
                return value
            # [...]

Let’s check to make sure what we have is correct:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(def a 1)", 1)
[PASS] (def a 1)

Nice. However, this is only half of the problem. We can set a variable, but we also need to read it too! We can add an elif case to eval for this:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        # [...]
    elif type(node) is int:
        # [...]
    elif node in env: # new
        return env[node]
        # [...]

It only took 2 lines of code. We can confirm this works by adding another test:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(def ten (+ 5 5))", 10)
    test("ten", 10)
[PASS] (def ten (+ 5 5))
[PASS] ten

Not only does this work, it also demonstrates the recursive evaluation at work: this first turns (+ 5 5) into 10 (via eval(value, env)) and then assigns that value to the key ten. Pretty impressive for roughly 60 lines of code!

Feature: Arithmetic and built-in functions

As impressive as this language already is, we can only add two numbers together. Let’s fix that by introducing subtraction, multiplication, and division. Along the way, we’ll add a new concept to our language: built-in functions! These are functions written in the host language (Python) that execute something we’re unable to do in our language (in this case, basic maths).

Let’s take a look at the addition operation we currently support:

(+ 1 2)

The + symbol is actually a function that (currently) takes two arguments. Coming from other languages, it might feel a bit odd to think about function names with special characters, but this is totally normal in a lisp. This code is evaluated with the following case in our eval function:

case "+":
    return eval(args[0], env) + eval(args[1], env)

Rather than add all the remaining arithmetic operators as new case statements, we’re going to define them as built-in functions. While we’re at it, let’s make addition, multiplication, and subtraction take any number of arguments (variadic). This will let us evaluate something like (+ 1 2 3 4) and get 10.

To start, we’re going to remove the case for addition. Instead we’ll update the logic in the default case (case _):

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "def":
                # [...]
            case _: # new
                args = [eval(a, env) for a in args]
                fn = eval(node[0], env)
                return fn(*args)
    # [...]

Next up, let’s write an addition function in Python:

def builtin_add(*args):
    result = 0
    for n in args:
        result += n
    return result

This hardly needs an explanation. The only things I’d like to point out is that this works on any number of arguments and it is working with actual integers, not AST nodes.

The last thing we need to do is to add this to our “global” environment:

global_env = dict()
global_env["+"] = builtin_add

If you run the tests again you’ll see that everything still works. Even better, we can add lots of number:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(+ 1 2 3 4)", 10)
[PASS] (+ 1 2 3 4)

To add the remaining arithmetic is pretty trivial:

def builtin_subtract(*args):
    [result, *nums] = args
    for n in nums:
        result -= n
    return result

def builtin_multiply(*args):
    [result, *nums] = args
    for n in nums:
        result *= n
    return result

def builtin_divide(a, b):
    return int(a / b)

And don’t forget to add each to the environment (otherwise you’ll get an error like ValueError: unsupported node: *).

global_env = dict()
global_env["+"] = builtin_add
global_env["-"] = builtin_subtract
global_env["*"] = builtin_multiply
global_env["/"] = builtin_divide

Let’s kick the tires with some tests:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(+ 1 2 3 4)", 10)
    test("(- 10 5 2)", 3)
    test("(* 5 2)", 10)
    test("(/ 10 2)", 5)
[PASS] (+ 1 2 3 4)
[PASS] (- 10 5 2)
[PASS] (* 5 2)
[PASS] (/ 10 2)

I was blown away at just how easy it was to add all this functionality. Three lines of code in our default case statement, a few simple functions, and we now have arithmetic support in our language!

You might be tempted to add a bunch more built-in functions, but I would caution about creating too many from the start. As you’ll soon see, we’ll be able to add new language features in the language itself soon. In fact, we’ll only add one or two more built-in functions in this post.

Feature: Keywords and if

At the moment, we only support one type of primitive: integers. In order to add equality checks and the ability to write if statements, we need to add in another primitive that represents true and false. This could be a boolean, but I’m going to follow in the footsteps of elixir and make these “keywords” (elixir calls them “atoms”).

In our language, a keyword is a unique primitive that starts with a :. So if we want to represent true, we would use the :true keyword and false is the :false keyword.

Let’s add support for keywords in our eval function:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        # [...]
    elif type(node) is int:
        # [...]
    elif type(node) is str and node[0] == ":": #new
        return node
    elif node in env:
        # [...]
        # [...]

Nothing fancy. All we’re really doing is returning the string representation of the keyword.

Now we can add the if function. The format is as follows:

(if <condition> <consequence> <alternative>)

Here’s the update we need to make to eval to get this working:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "def":
                # [...]
            case "if": # new
                [cond, conseq, alter] = args
                cond = eval(cond, env)
                if cond == ":true":
                    return eval(conseq, env)
                    return eval(alter, env)
            case _:
                # [...]

I’ve made a few choices here that you might not agree with. First off, the only truthy value is :true so everything else is considered falsey. If that’s not to your liking, feel free to swap around the logic. This also doesn’t support a form of if that only has a consequence (if without the “else”). Adding that in requires a few more checks and making a decision about what to return if the if returns a falsey value (maybe something like :nil). That said, this is your language…feel free to make different choices here!

Let’s add a few tests to kick the tires:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(if :true 11 22)", 11)
    test("(if :false 11 22)", 22)
[PASS] (if :true 11 22)
[PASS] (if :false 11 22)

Let’s add one more built-in that let’s us check for equality:

def builtin_eq(a, b):
    if a == b:
        return ":true"
    return ":false"

# [...]

global_env["="] = builtin_eq

And a few tests to verify it’s working correctly:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(= 10 10)", ":true")
    test("(= 10 20)", ":false")
[PASS] (= 10 10)
[PASS] (= 10 20)

At this point, we’re almost turing complete. We need one more helper function (do) before we can tackle the big one: user-defined functions (fn).

Feature: do

We need one more helper function to evaluate a series of expressions and return the results of the last one. We’ll call this function do. This time, I’ll start with the test since it illustrates the usage better than I can describe:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("(do 1 2)", 2)

do will evaluate each of the arguments and return the last one. Here we’re simply returning the last primitive value (2). Of course, this doesn’t work because we don’t have support for this function yet:

ValueError: unsupported node: do

This is fairly easy to add to our eval function:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "def":
                # [...]
            case "if":
                # [...]
            case "do": # new
                result = ":nil"
                for a in args:
                    result = eval(a, env)
                return result
            case _:
                # [...]

Incredibly simple.

[PASS] (do 1 2)

Feature: fn

This is the last major feature we’ll add in this post and it’s a big one. Here’s an example of how fn works in conjunction with def:

(def add-one (fn (x) (+ x 1)))

Calling (add-one 2) should evaluate to 3.

We already know how def works, so let’s focus on fn. Here’s the general structure:

(fn <function-arguments> <function-body>)

A few important notes:

The first thing we need to add is the concept of scopes. Consider the function (fn (x) (+ x 1)). We need to be able to reference the variable x inside our function, but it shouldn’t be defined in the global scope. Furthermore, we should be able to access variables define outside our function’s scope too:

  (def ten 10)
  (def ten-plus-x (fn (x) (+ x ten)))
  (ten-plus-x 5)

The last statement should return 15. This is because we add the local scoped variable x to the “global” scoped variable ten.

I’ve been throwing around the word “scope”…but we already have this concept in our language: environments! Let’s start expanding on that concept by making a helper function that creates a new environment that references a parent environment and some new variables we’d like to add.

def new_env(parent_env, params, args):
    env = dict(zip(params, args))
    env[":parent"] = parent_env
    return env

This might look a little confusing, but it will make sense soon I promise.

When creating a function, the user can define parameters. When a user calls a function, they pass arguments for each of those parameters. In the case of our function ((fn (x) (+ x 1)) 2), the parameter xis set to the value (argument) 2.

Armed with that knowledge, let’s break down this function:

Great, so now our environments have the concept of a parent environment. Let’s make another helper function that, given a key, will return the value in the provided environment or the parent environment:

def get_var(key, env):
    if key in env:
        return env[key]
    elif ":parent" in env:
        return get_var(key, env[":parent"])
        raise KeyError(f"{key} not found in env: {env}")

The first few lines are pretty self-explanatory: if the key exists in the current environment, return the value associated with it. The next statement is where this function shines: if this environment has a parent environment, call the get_var function again (recursion!) using that environment. Lastly, if we can’t find it and there’s no parent environment (global_env), then this key doesn’t exist and we raise an error.

An important note: this is not limited to any particular depth, which means we could nest environments as many times as we need. This means defining functions inside of functions is totally possible in our language.

Let’s update eval to make use of this new function:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        # [...]
    elif type(node) is int:
        # [...]
    elif type(node) is str and node[0] == ":":
        # [...]
    # deleted: elif node in env:
    else: # updated
        return get_var(node, env)

This replaces our elif node in env and our else cases.

We’re finally have all the supporting elements needed to make a function. When eval encounters a fn function, we need to transform the list into something that we can later call. We’ve been using type(node) to check what type of node we are looking at, so we’ll need a way to define a custom type for our functions. I’ll be using python’s @dataclass feature, but a regular class (or a JavaScript object with a _type property) would work just as well:

from dataclasses import dataclass

# [...]

class Function:
    params: list
    body: list
    env: dict

This lets us create new functions and pass in the list of parameters, the body, and the environment they were called in. Let’s see it in action by updating our eval function to handle the fn function:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "def":
                # [...]
            case "if":
                # [...]
            case "do":
                # [...]
            case "fn": # new
                [params, body] = args
                return Function(params, body, env)
            case _:
                # [...]

We destructure the arguments to the fn call into the two parts: params and body. Then we make a new Function with that information and the current environment.

Alright, function created. The last thing we need to do is add the ability to call that function. To do that, we’ll need to update the else case inside the type(node) is list branch of the eval function:

def eval(node, env=global_env):
    if type(node) is list:
        [fn, *args] = node
        match fn:
            case "def":
                # [...]
            case "if":
                # [...]
            case "do":
                # [...]
            case "fn":
                # [...]
            case _:
                args = [eval(a, env) for a in args]
                fn = eval(node[0], env)
                # new
                if type(fn) is Function:
                    fn_env = new_env(fn.env, fn.params, args)
                    return eval(fn.body, fn_env)
                    return fn(*args)
    # [...]

Alright, you ready?

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [...]
    test("((fn (x) x) 2)", 2)
    test("((fn (x) (+ x 1)) 2)", 3)
[PASS] ((fn (x) x) 2)
[PASS] ((fn (x) (+ x 1)) 2)


This is huge. Our language is now turing complete and with it we can (in theory) solve any type of computational problem. Not bad for less than 150 lines of code!

Victory lap

Let’s really kick the tires on this thing, now that it’s all powerful. To do so, I want to add one more built-in:

def builtin_print_value(*args):
    result = ""
    for arg in args:
        result += str(arg) + " "

# [...]

global_env["print-v"] = builtin_print_value

This simply prints a list of values (we don’t currently support strings, I’ll mention that in a sec).

Next, let’s update our main function to read from a file instead of making all those test calls:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("./test.myradlisp", "r") as reader:

Now we can make a file called test.myradlisp (feel free to use whatever extension you want) and start writing code in the language we just built! Let me demo some of the crazy cool stuff we can already do:

  (def assert
   (fn (cond)
    (if cond
     (print-v :pass)
     (print-v :fail))))

  (print-v :_____identity)
  (def id (fn (x) x))

  (assert (= (id 1) 1))
  (assert (= (id :foo) :foo))

  (print-v :_____decrement)
  (def dec (fn (x) (- x 1)))

  (assert (= (dec 10) 9))
  (assert (= (dec 1) 0))

  (print-v :_____square)
  (def sq (fn (x) (* x x)))

  (assert (= (sq 2) 4))
  (assert (= (sq 10) 100))

  (print-v :_____compose)
  (def comp (fn (f g) (fn (x) (f (g x)))))

  (def double-dec (comp dec dec))
  (assert (= (double-dec 3) 1))

  (def square-dec (comp dec sq))
  (assert (= (square-dec 5) 24))

  (print-v :___factorial)
  (def factorial
   (fn (x)
    (if (= x 0)
     (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))

  (assert (= (factorial 5) 120))

If you ask me, that’s pretty dang impressive. We’ve got functional composition, recursion, nested functions, and all sorts of awesome functionality. We even replace our need for a test function in Python: we can now test our language in the language itself!


This is my longest post by a long shot, but I had a blast writing it. If you want to see my version of the code base, I’ve published it here.

There’s still a lot of features we could add to the language. Some of the most obvious include:

If any of those features sound interesting to you…you should build them! It’s your language, you can do whatever you want with it.

If you have any comments or questions about this, feel free to email me, reach out to me on mastodon, or just yell out the nearest window really loud.